Sunday, June 27, 2010

5th Grade graduation

Sophie is officially a 6th grader.  ICS did a very nice "graduation ceremony" for the kids.  There is a big transition from 5th to 6th grade where the kids leave the elementary school and move up to the Secondary school.  Sophie is nervous but oh so ready!  We are so proud of her.  Way to go Sophie!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day!!  We love you Daddy!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Hiking at Flumserberg

We took advantage of the first nice day since my last post (what is up with all the rain in Zurich!!!) and took the kids for another hike at another one the places we skied this winter.  Great fun and very challenging hiking.  Umm, ok it was challenging for me not the kids.  We made a bittersweet realization  that Peabody's hiking days are over unless we are walking slowly on fairly level ground.  The woods around our house are about all he can take now.  Kids however are just getting primed for some serious hiking.  Boy do I need to get into shape!!  The views were fantastic and we had a bit of all weather, sun, overcast and even a few rain drops.  A great day!