Monday, August 6, 2007

Settling in

Well at last we are all reunited. I can't say I loved quarantine but I sure am glad to be home. This place is filled with weird smells and strange vegetation. The grass here looks a little like the leafy sea weed I used to swim through at the beach house. Not grass like at all except it is green. One draw back is that there seems to be a thunder storm every afternoon. I have scouted out all the places to hide. My fave so far is to wedge my body under the couch in the living room. The only problem with this spot is that the flooring here is some slippery wood-like substance (laminate?) and I can't really get any traction with my paws to get myself out from under the couch when the thunder passes.

The kids went swimming today. They have to wear these crzy looking caps on their heads. That was quite a production. The first time into the pool the life guard came over and wagged his finger at them. No english spoken. Sarah wasn't sure what the issue was till he pointed to their heads and shook his finger again. Sarah looked around and noticed that everyone else in the pool had caps on. So out of the pool dripping wet, into the lobby to ask if they had any at the front desk. Luckily they did so swimming could commence. Notice the stylish look in the photos!

1 comment:

Judy, Mark, Nora, Ji Ji and Jiang Lei said...

Nora here... The pictures are sweet!
Mark here... Was the swimming pool part of your housing complex like the bowling alley? Was the water cold? Daily Thunderstorms, just like the weather we had in Singapore. In S'pore they averaged 180 days of the boomy noisy rainfalls!
Ji Ji here...Chinese people are very hard to understand, if you just came to China:-)You can maybe see the Olympics if your mom says its okay.