Friday, February 8, 2008

New Year's Eve

At the top! It was truly as cold as I have ever felt!

Warming up with some hot pot lunch.

Enjoying cooking their own food.

Day 3 Wednesday, February 6th

After our night in the seriously mediocre hotel we quickly packed up and hit the road back to Harbin. Before we left the resort our guide suggested we try the "slide-away". Curious what it was we agreed. It was an alpine slide. The kids remembered the one they had done in Stow and were anxious to try this one. We got in line for the chairlift up to the top of the mountain. The equipment made me a little nervous. It looked like hand-me downs that had definitely seen better days. We had to wait for 7 or 8 chairs to go by to wait for one that had an unbroken seat! I climbed on with Noah hoping I wasn't going to regret it! The state of the chair lift didn't make Noah nervous but the cold did! It was very windy. I don't have any proof but I have to say it was at least -35. Not a pleasant ride up! The ride down was great however. Very long and windy track with decent equipement. Brakes worked well! Thomas was game for another run but the rest of us couldn't brave another ride up!

We drove back to Harbin and went to a Hot Pot restaurant. Hot Pot style involves everyone getting a little pot of boiling liquid, either spicy or mild. You order a variety of thing to cook in the pot, thinly sliced beef, vegetables and we got shrimp, which arrived at the table still alive! Our guide proclaimed, "Very fresh!" It was delicious and the kids had a good time cooking their own food.

It was New Year's Eve. We were told we should go to a large square and watch the fire works. We had a swim in the hotel pool and hot tub instead. We could hear the fireworks from out room. Nobody seemed that interested in putting on the layers necessary to brave the cold again. Beside, standing in a large public square, freezing, with thousands of other people watching fireworks that may or may not be safely ignited with my three children just didn't appeal. So we ate dumplings, traditional New Year's food, and went to bed!

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