Friday, July 4, 2008

Finally an update

So, I am horrified that it was February that I last posted on our blog. Shame on me!!! So much has happend. In brief (as many of you readers know) we have moved from Shanghai to Germany. Jon took a position with the German office so we continue our adventures overseas in Europe. We were all very sad to leave China. None of us felt that we had "finished" our time in China yet but we hope we can return!

Germany is wonderful. It is really great to be back here. We have reconnected with some old friends that are still here. We are currently living in temporary housing until our house is ready (Aug. 1st). This is a bit of a drag and the kids are all quite bored and very much looking foward to our trip to the US. We leave tomorrow!

Peabody made the trip in fine form. Very complicated to ship a dog from China to any EU country. So he went around the world, spending a week in NYC before coming to Germany. He has to be one of the worlds best traveled pets. He is most happy to be back in a country that loves dogs! He spends several hours each day wandering through the grape vineyards we are living near and chasing rabbits and other small rodents! Thankfully he is quite slow and hasn't caught anything yet.

The kids will all attend an international school here. We considered public school for them but for a variety of reasons decided intenational was the way to go. It will be very interesting to see if Sophie regains any of her German. They are watching much TV in German these days. I hope hearing German will help jump start the process.

Now that we are living in a country that I can actually see my blog (and yours!) hopefully the motivation will be greater to be better about posting updates! I hope there are still a few folks interested in reading!

1 comment:

Judy, Mark, Nora, Ji Ji and Jiang Lei said...

Guten Tag!
Your back to blogging! Hooray:-)

We look forward to reading all about your new European adventures.

Take care and have fun moving in:-)


from all of us