Thursday, November 6, 2008

At last!

Although this could be my sentiment about the recent election results it is not. It is about an event much more important in the daily life of at least one resident of our house. Noah finally lost his first tooth! It has been wiggly for awhile and he was becoming discouraged that it would never come out. Tonight it did! He is very happy. I, on the other hand have mixed feelings. First of all I have to find out, for the tooth fairy of course, how much a tooth is worth in Euros. Secondly his cute little face is going to start to look older if all his little bitty teeth fall out and are replaced by big grown up ones.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is totally dependent whether it fell out naturally or needed help. If assistance is necessary, we tell our patients that the tooth fairy pays double! Of course, we say that this is to be split between the patient and the dentist, however no one has paid up yet!