Tuesday, August 4, 2009


We went to Legoland for the weekend. They were having a special deal where if you bought a two day ticket you got the second day for free if you stayed in the Lego village. Since one of the lodging choices was camping (kids: think fun, mom: think economical) seemed like a perfect deal. We had a fantastic time. The park was great (a bit crowded on Sat but Sunday we hardly had to wait in lines at all). Kids rode all the rides several times. Thomas got over his fear of rides on this trip and now wants to return to all the theme parks he has been to where he didn't ride the roller coasters. Sophie is the fearless one, went all all the rides, icluding the spinning ones to the point of feeling ill. Noah started off fearles but gained some respect for the scarier rides. "I liked it but I thought I might die so I don't want to ride it again!" I rode several of the rides until I realized that Noah was tall enough to ride most of the rides himself! A turning point in visiting amusment parks! I could focus on being the photographer! Camping was great. For the first time in many camping trips we had no rain- quite a feat for camping in Germany! It was a beautiful evening and after spending 12+ hours in the park every one just passed right out. Me included! We had a great time and the kids are already asking when we can go again.....

The kids waiting in line for the Dragon Coaster

Going down the "Test Track"

At the entrance to the park

Waiting for the fireworks to start

After I took the picture I decided everyone needed lunch! They looked much happier after some food.

Getting ready for the 1st ride of the day- the roller coaster! Why start off small? Jump right in. (Noah may have regretted this decision...

After the roller coaster a little bit tamer ride. We spent a lot of time bouncing off the sides of the water way. He may not be quite ready for the open seas...

Then onto a daddy powered ride. Jon hauled them up to the top of the tower pulling the rope.

Thomas and Sophie rode the "caterpillar" Sounds tame enough until it starts spinning around and around then switches direction half way through. All the time going up and down little bumps. (like driving in Boston!)

Riding up in the observatory tower to get the full view of Legoland.

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