Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Sophie turns 11!!

Sophie was so excited to turn 11.  She celebrated with a few friends and they giggled and laughed their way through the evening.  I am so grateful she has such a nice group of friends.  So important and necessary to navigate the maze of middle school that she is traveling through.  Happy Birthday Sophie!!

Haute Konigsburg

We took a field trip to Alacse to pick up some of Jon's favorite wine and stopped by my favorite castle ever, Haute Konigsburg.  We had been to both the vineyard and the castle previously so in a very out of character trip revisited places we had already been!  Does the vineyard look familiar Mark and Judy!  Wine is tasty as always!


I think we may have found the perfect sport.  Played indoors, 6 minute games, running with a stick, chasing a ball and no need for any special gear!  I love unihockey!  So does Noah!

cow bells and peppermint candy houses

On one of our hikes with the parent's hiking club from school we came across this lovely old farm house.  Not all the picturesque views in Switzerland are of mountains and valleys!  I love the pink swirls on the house.  Makes me think of those peppermint hard candies that are alway last to be eaten from the Halloweem stash and could always be found in the bottom of Nana's purse. 

Cows are in the barn (or at least down out of the mountains) for the winter so I guess they can take their bells off.  I wonder if they have to do neck weight lifting throughout the winter to stay in shape to wear these things come spring!  I have seen what these bells sell for at the flea markets.  This farm has a lot invested in bells!