Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Ski Race 2010

The ski school in Austria does a race for all the groups at the end of the week of lessons.  Very fun, not too competitive (although there is a trophy for the fastest in each group) but everyone gets a medal.  I wanted to beat Thomas this year.  Badly.  We each ended up with a trophy, his for the fastest time overall, mine for being the fastest woman.  Um, I was the only woman.  He beat me by about 1 1/2 seconds.  Doesn't seem like much, right?  Keep in mind ski races are won by hundredths of seconds.  Maybe next year.  Then again, maybe not.
Noah coming in for the finish.

Jon- Pre-race

Sophie coming around a gate.
Unfortunately Jon, Thomas and I were all in the race together so nobody got any photos of us!

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