Sunday, June 26, 2011

Swim meet Swiss style

Yesterday was Sophie's first swim meet with her Swiss swim team.  She was very nervous, none of her friends from ICS were going to be there, the races for her age group were all 100m (she had previously only raced 50m races) and there had been a problem with the registration for the race and she had been entered into all three of her events as a boy!!  She was very quiet in the car on the way to the meet and I had butterflies in my stomach for her.  We got to the pool, after much discussion got her entered into the girls group and luckily she swam in the 1st heat of the third event so not much time to wait around and get nervous.  She did fantastic!  She had two events before lunch and her last after.  In stereotypical Swiss fashion, meet was very organized and the heats ran smoothly and efficiently.  Good thing too, 18 heats for each event with 5 swimmers in each heat!!  She spent the lunch break with Jon and Noah teaching her teammates the finer points of wiffle ball.  They caught on to hitting quickly, running the bases or when to stop not as quickly but a good time was had by all.  Great day!  We are so proud of you Sophie!!!
Final discussion of her placement regarding the boy vs girl confusion!!

backstroke diva!


Jon telling Sophie what to translate for her teammates

Noah as catcher

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