Friday, December 28, 2007

Rainy Day excitement

We had a very rainy day today. The kids did make it into the pool in the late afternoon despite the rain but overall a day to explore the under cover activities Thomas played on the Wii and the younger kids spent a good 2 1/2 hours making paper lanterns and painting ceramic sculptures. The real excitement came when we came back to the room to get ready for dinner. Thomas asked if anyone else saw the mouse. I thought he was joking until I saw it run across the floor! We called housekeeping who sent up a pest control person immediately. Should I be concerned that there is a pest control person on site 24/7? Anyhow he searched around the room poking a fly swatter into small areas. I was sure we said mouse not fly.....He set two sticky traps. We happily headed out for dinner. Upon our return the kids immediately checked the traps and there he (she?) was! Just hanging our on the sticky trap paper. Sophie wanted to peel his little feet off and keep him as a pet. Noah also voted yes for mouse souvenir. Mom voted no and won. Another phone call to house keeeping brought Mr. Pest Control back. Off Mr. Pest Control went and hopefully that is the last four legged visitor we have.

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